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JKMS 27권 12호(2012년 12월호) 발간
  • 관리자
  • 2012.12.18
  • 조회수 : 6,022

Table of Contents Alert
Volume 27(12); December 2012
Medicine General & Social Medicine
Propofol Abuse in Professionals
Lee J.
Original Articles
Medicine General & Social Medicine
A New Disability Rating Method according to the Job Using the Korean Academy of Medical Science Disability Guideline
Won JU, Yu JY, Kwon YJ, Kim Y, Rhie JB, Jeong IC.
Cell Therapy & Organ Transplantation
The Clinical Course and Outcomes of Post-Transplantation Diabetes Mellitus after Heart Transplantation
Cho MS, Choi HI, Kim IO, Jung SH, Yun TJ, Lee JW, Kim MS, Kim JJ.
Infectious Diseases, Microbiology & Parasitology
Risk Factors for Febrile Neutropenia during Chemotherapy for HIV-Related Lymphoma
Park J, Kim TM, Hwang JH, Kim NH, Choe PG, Song KH, Kim ES, Park SW, Kim HB, Kim NJ, Park WB, Oh MD.
Preventive Effect of Korean Red Ginseng for Acute Respiratory Illness: A Randomized and Double-Blind Clinical Trial
Lee CS, Lee JH, Oh M, Choi KM, Jeong MR, Park JD, Kwon DY, Ha KC, Park EO, Lee N, Kim SY, Choi EK, Kim MG, Chae SW.
Oncology & Hematology
Candidates for Tumor Markers of Cervical Cancer Discovered by Proteomic Analysis
Song JY, Bae HS, Koo DH, Lee JK, Jung HH, Lee KW, Lee NW.
Changes in the Demographics and Prognoses of Patients with Resected Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A 20-Year Experience at a Single Institution in Korea
Lee JG, Lee CY, Bae MK, Byun CS, Kim DJ, Chung KY.
The Incidence of Thyroid Cancer Is Affected by the Characteristics of a Healthcare System
Lee TJ, Kim S, Cho HJ, Lee JH.
Cardiovascular Disorders
Acute and Long-Term Angiographic Outcomes of Side Branch Stenosis after Randomized Treatment of Zotarolimus-, Sirolimus-, and Paclitaxel-Eluting Stent for Coronary Artery Stenosis
Lee BK, Kim YH, Park DW, Yun SC, Ahn JM, Song HG, Lee JY, Kim WJ, Kang SJ, Lee SW, Lee CW, Lee JH, Seong IW, Park SW, Park SJ.
Effect of Small Hairpin RNA Targeting Endothelin-Converting Enzyme-1 in Monocrotaline-Induced Pulmonary Hypertensive Rats
Son JS, Kim KC, Kim BK, Cho MS, Hong YM.
Posterior Body Surface Potential Mapping Using Capacitive-Coupled Electrodes and Its Application
Cho Y, Lee S, Choi EK, Park HE, Park KS, Oh S.
Comparison of Lipid-Related Ratios for Prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 or More in Korean Adults
Kim JY, Kang HT, Lee HR, Lee YJ, Shim JY.
Endocrinology, Nutrition & Metabolism
Optimal Range of Triglyceride Values to Estimate Serum Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Concentration in Korean Adults: the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009
Hwang YC, Ahn HY, Jeong IK, Ahn KJ, Chung HY.
Respiratory Diseases
A Functional Polymorphism in the CHRNA3 Gene and Risk of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in a Korean Population
Lee JY, Yoo SS, Kang HG, Jin G, Bae EY, Choi YY, Choi JE, Jeon HS, Lee J, Lee SY, Cha SI, Kim CH, Park JY.
Coagulopathy as a Prognostic Factor of Acute Lung Injury in Children
Han YJ, Park JD, Choi JW, Suh DI, Koh YY.
Infant Pertussis and Household Transmission in Korea
Kwon HJ, Yum SK, Choi UY, Lee SY, Kim JH, Kang JH.
High Incidence of Rickets in Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants with Severe Parenteral Nutrition-Associated Cholestasis and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Lee SM, Namgung R, Park MS, Eun HS, Park KI, Lee C.
Retinopathy of Prematurity in Infants Born before 25 Weeks Gestation in a Korean Single Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Incidence, Natural History and Risk Factors
Kong M, Shin DH, Kim SJ, Ham DI, Kang SW, Chang YS, Park WS.
Incidence and Risk Factors of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Infections in Children: A Study of 333 Consecutive Shunts in 6 Years
Lee JK, Seok JY, Lee JH, Choi EH, Phi JH, Kim SK, Wang KC, Lee HJ.
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Application of Sperm Selection Using Hyaluronic Acid Binding in Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Cycles: A Sibling Oocyte Study
Choe SA, Tae JC, Shin MY, Kim HJ, Kim CH, Lee JY, Hwang D, Kim KC, Suh CS, Jee BC.
Ocular Surface Discomfort and Demodex: Effect of Tea Tree Oil Eyelid Scrub in Demodex Blepharitis
Koo H, Kim TH, Kim KW, Wee SW, Chun YS, Kim JC.
Comparison of Systemic Adverse Events Associated with Intravitreal Anti-VEGF Injection: Ranibizumab versus Bevacizumab
Hwang DJ, Kim YW, Woo SJ, Park KH.
Case Reports
Human Genetics & Genomics
Reciprocal Deletion and Duplication of 17p11.2-11.2: Korean Patients with Smith-Magenis Syndrome and Potocki-Lupski Syndrome
Lee CG, Park SJ, Yun JN, Yim SY, Sohn YB.
Immunology, Allergic Disorders & Rheumatology
Cauda Equina Syndrome Caused by Pseudogout Involving the Lumbar Intervertebral Disc
Lee J, Cho KT, Kim EJ.
Cardiovascular Disorders
Thoracoscopic Left Ventricular Lead Implantation in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Jeong DS, Park PW, Lee YT, Park SJ, Kim JS, On YK.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis with Sepsis Caused by Enterococcus hirae
Sim JS, Kim HS, Oh KJ, Park MS, Jung EJ, Jung YJ, Kang DG, Seo SI, Kim WJ, Jang MK.
Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis Associated with Influenza A Virus Infection
Lee HJ, Shin DH, Choi JS, Kim KH.
Recalcitrant Cutaneous Ulcer of Comorbid Patient Treated with Platelet Rich Plasma: A Case Report
Kim DH, Kim JY, Seo SH, Ahn HH, Kye YC, Choi JE.
Erratum: Correction of Misspelling of Title and Author Affiliation
Son KY, Lee CM, Cho B, Lym YL, Oh SW, Chung W, Lee JS, Park D, Kim HS.

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