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JKMS 28권 4호(2013년 4월호) 발간
  • 관리자
  • 2013.04.05
  • 조회수 : 6,708
Table of Contents Alert
Volume 28(4); April 2013
Medical Imaging
Reduced Radiation Dose in Diagnostic Radiology
Sung DW, Shin KE.
Immunology, Allergic Disorders & Rheumatology
Value of Ultrasound in Rheumatologic Diseases
Kang T, Horton L, Emery P, Wakefield RJ.
Original Articles
Medicine General & Social Medicine
Association of the Length of Doctor-Patient Relationship with Primary Care Quality in Seven Family Practices in Korea
Lee JH, Choi YJ, Lee SH, Sung NJ, Kim SY, Hong JY.
Occupation & Environmental Medicine
Association between Prenatal Exposure to Cadmium and Atopic Dermatitis in Infancy
Kim JH, Jeong KS, Ha EH, Park H, Ha M, Hong YC, Lee SJ, Lee KY, Jeong J, Kim Y.
Human Genetics & Genomics
Association between MSX1 SNPs and Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip with or without Cleft Palate in the Korean Population
Kim NY, Kim YH, Park JW, Baek SH.
Oncology & Hematology
The Synergistic Apoptotic Interaction of Indole-3-Carbinol and Genistein with TRAIL on Endometrial Cancer Cells
Parajuli B, Shin SJ, Kwon SH, Cha SD, Lee HG, Bae I, Cho CH.
Correlation of Immunohistochemical Markers and BRAF Mutation Status with Histological Variants of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in the Korean Population
Min HS, Lee C, Jung KC.
Immunophenotypic Characterization and Quantification of Neoplastic Bone Marrow Plasma Cells by Multiparametric Flow Cytometry and Its Clinical Significance in Korean Myeloma Patients
Cho YU, Park CJ, Park SJ, Chi HS, Jang S, Park SH, Seo EJ, Yoon DH, Lee JH, Suh C.
Clinical Implication of Microscopic Anthracotic Pigment in Mediastinal Staging of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer by Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Needle Aspiration
Park YS, Lee J, Pang JC, Chung DH, Lee SM, Yim JJ, Yang SC, Yoo CG, Kim YW, Han SK.
Cardiovascular Disorders
Elevation of Morning Blood Pressure in Sodium Resistant Subjects by High Sodium Diet
Rhee MY, Lim CY, Shin SJ, Oh SW, Park YS, Kim JW, Park HK, Kim CI, Park CY, Kim SW.
Impact of Home-Based Exercise Training with Wireless Monitoring on Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Lee YH, Hur SH, Sohn J, Lee HM, Park NH, Cho YK, Park HS, Yoon HJ, Kim H, Nam CW, Kim YN, Kim KB.
Relationship between Bone Mineral Density and Moderate to Severe Chronic Kidney Disease among General Population in Korea
Myong JP, Kim HR, Koo JW, Park CY.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Characteristic Phenotypes in Korean Crohn's Disease Patients Who Underwent Intestinal Surgery for the Treatment
Baik SH, Park KJ, Lee KY, Cho YB, Choi GS, Lee KY, Yoon SN, Yu CS.
Association between Maternal Characteristics and Neonatal Birth Weight in a Korean Population Living in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, Korea: A Birth Cohort Study (COCOA)
Shin YH, Choi SJ, Kim KW, Yu J, Ahn KM, Kim HY, Seo JH, Kwon JW, Kim BJ, Kim HB, Shim JY, Kim WK, Song DJ, Lee SY, Lee SY, Jang GC, Kwon JY, Lee KJ, Park HJ, Lee PR, Won HS, Hong SJ.
Evaluation of Immunogenicity and Safety of the New Tetanus-Reduced Diphtheria (Td) Vaccines (GC1107) in Healthy Korean Adolescents: A Phase II, Double-Blind, Randomized, Multicenter Clinical Trial
Rhim JW, Lee KY, Kim SY, Kim JH, Kim HH, Kim HM, Choi YY, Ma SH, Kim DH, Ahn DH, Kang JH.
Alpha Internexin Expression Related with Molecular Characteristics in Adult Glioblastoma and Oligodendroglioma
Suh JH, Park CK, Park SH.
Psychiatry & Psychology
Risk Factors for Suicidal Ideation of the General Population
Bae SM, Lee YJ, Cho IH, Kim SJ, Im JS, Cho SJ.
Chlorogenic Acid Decreases Retinal Vascular Hyperpermeability in Diabetic Rat Model
Shin JY, Sohn J, Park KH.
Clinical Characteristics of 75 Patients with Leukemia Cutis
Kang YS, Kim HS, Park HJ, Lee JY, Kim HO, Cho BK, Park YM.
Case Reports
A Case of Fulminant Sclerosing Peritonitis Presented Like Acute Culture-Negative Peritonitis and Successfully Treated with Corticosteroid Therapy
Jung JY, Cho JT.
Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Spontaneous Healing of Gastric Perforation after Endoscopic Ligation for Gastric Varices
Kim JH, Ahn HD, Kwon KA, Kim YJ, Chung JW, Park DK, Kim JH.
Pulsatile Tinnitus Caused by a Dilated Mastoid Emissary Vein
Lee SH, Kim SS, Sung KY, Nam EC.
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Fibrocartilaginous Intramedullary Bone Forming Tumor of the Distal Femur Mimicking Osteosarcoma
Song SH, Lee H, Song HR, Kim MJ, Park JH.
Brief Communication
Oncology & Hematology
Lung Cancer Incidence by Smoking Status in Korean Men: 16-Years of Observations in the Seoul Male Cancer Cohort Study
Bae JM, Li ZM, Shin MH, Kim DH, Lee MS, Ahn YO.
Letter to the Editor: Anaphylactic Cardiovascular Collapse during Anesthesia: The Kounis Acute Hypersensitivity Syndrome Seems to be the Most Likely Cause
Kounis N, Kounis G.
The Author Response: Suspected Anaphylactic Reaction Associated with Microemulsion Propofol during Anesthesia Induction
Lee SJ.
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