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JKMS 27권 5호(2012년 5월호) 발간
  • 관리자
  • 2012.05.09
  • 조회수 : 6,309
Table of Contents Alert
Volume 27(5); May 2012
Occupation & Environmental Medicine
Much Concern but Little Research on Semiconductor Occupational Health Issues      
Yoon C.
Original Articles
Basic Medical Sciences
Depletion of Mitochondrial DNA Stabilizes C1qTNF-Related Protein 6 mRNA in Muscle Cells     
Kim MJ, Lee W, Park EJ, Park SY.
Infectious Diseases, Microbiology & Parasitology
Risk Factors for Mortality in Patients with Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Bacteremia: Impact of Appropriate Antimicrobial Therapy     
Kim YJ, Kim SI, Hong KW, Kim YR, Park YJ, Kang MW.
Comparison of Ertapenem and Ceftriaxone Therapy for Acute Pyelonephritis and Other Complicated Urinary Tract Infections in Korean Adults: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Multicenter Trial     
Park DW, Peck KR, Chung MH, Lee JS, Park YS, Kim HY, Lee MS, Kim JY, Yeom JS, Kim MJ.
Immunology, Allergic Disorders & Rheumatology
Serum Elastin-Derived Peptides and Anti-Elastin Antibody in Patients with Systemic Sclerosis     
Hong YJ, Kim J, Oh BR, Lee YJ, Lee EY, Lee EB, Lee SH, Song YW.
Oncology & Hematology
Completeness of Cancer Case Ascertainment in Korea Radiation Effect and Epidemiology Cohort Study      
Song M, Cho IS, Li ZM, Ahn YO.
Prognostic Significance of Angiogenesis by Chalkley Counting in Node Negative Cancer of the Ampulla of Vater      
Park JS, Kim HK, Hong SW, Kim JK, Yoon DS.
Cardiovascular Disorders
Use of Serum Homocysteine to Predict Cardiovascular Disease in Korean Men with or without Metabolic Syndrome     
Kang JY, Park IK, Lee JY, Sung SH, Chang YK, Park YK, Choi TI.
Erythropoietin Improves Long-Term Outcomes in Patients with Acute Kidney Injury after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting      
Oh SW, Chin HJ, Chae DW, Na KY.
Endocrinology, Nutrition & Metabolism
Prevalence of Dietary Supplement Use in Korean Children and Adolescents: Insights from Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007-2009     
Yoon JY, Park HA, Kang JH, Kim KW, Hur YI, Park JJ, Lee R, Lee HH.
Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference According to Glucose Tolerance Status in Korea: The 2005 Korean Health and Nutrition Examination Survey      
Kang HM, Kim DJ.
Respiratory Diseases
Diagnostic Accuracy of Notified Cases as Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Private Sectors of Korea     
Jeong I, Kim HJ, Kim J, Oh SY, Lee JB, Bai JY, Lee CH.
Longitudinal Study on Trace Mineral Compositions (Selenium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese) in Korean Human Preterm Milk     
Kim SY, Park JH, Kim ER, Lee-Kim YC.
Prevalence and Risk Factors of Early-Stage Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Patients Examined at a Health Promotion Center in Korea      
Moon BG, Joe SG, Hwang JU, Kim HK, Choe J, Yoon YH.
Ocular Manifestations of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome in Korea      
Kim SJ, Park SJ, Yu HG, Kim NJ, Jang HC, Oh MD.
Anesthesiology & Pain
Hepatic Ischemic Preconditioning Provides Protection Against Distant Renal Ischemia and Reperfusion Injury in Mice      
Lee JA, Choi JW, In JH, Jung HS, Kim YS, Jeon YS, Kang YJ, Kim DW, Lim YG, Park JH, Joo JD.
Case Reports
Infectious Diseases, Microbiology & Parasitology
Unusual Primary Peritonitis due to Streptococcus pyogenes in a Young Healthy Woman
Park JY, Moon SY, Son JS, Lee MS, Jung MH.
Hyperammonemia in a Patient with Late-Onset Ornithine Carbamoyltransferase Deficiency
Choi DE, Lee KW, Shin YT, Na KR.
Endocrinology, Nutrition & Metabolism
A Rare Case of Primary Hyperparathyroidism Associated with Primary Aldosteronism, Hurthle Cell Thyroid Cancer and Meningioma
Kim YL, Jang YW, Kim JT, Sung SA, Lee TS, Lee WM, Kim HJ.
Two Novel Insulin Receptor Gene Mutations in a Patient with Rabson-Mendenhall Syndrome: The First Korean Case Confirmed by Biochemical, and Molecular Evidence
Kim D, Cho SY, Yeau SH, Park SW, Sohn YB, Kwon MJ, Kim JY, Ki CS, Jin DK.
Emergency & Critical Care Medicine
Pseudotumor of the Omentum Associated with Migration of the Ingested Crab-Leg
Cho HJ, Kim SJ, Lee SW, Moon SW, Park JH.
Brief Communication
Cardiovascular Disorders
Protective Effect of Sauchinone Against Regional Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury: Inhibition of p38 MAPK and JNK Death Signaling Pathways
Kim SJ, Jeong CW, Bae HB, Kwak SH, Son JK, Seo CS, Lee HJ, Lee J, Yoo KY.
Letter to the Editor: Detection of EML4-ALK and Other ALK Fusion Genes in Lung Cancer: A Lesson from the Leukemia Fusion Gene Analysis and Future Application
Park TS, Jeon YL, Lee HJ, Jeong JH, Kim SY, Cho EH, Marschalek R, Meyer C.
The Author Response: EML4-ALK Fusion Gene in Korean Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Park JY.
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